Cousin Cinderella
Written by Sara Jeannette Duncan
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399 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780919662452 $17.95 CA
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About the Book
The vague outline of an ironical omniscient narrator in The Imperialist becomes in Cousin Cinderella one of Duncan's most engaging and sympathetic female characters, Mary Trent; her self discovery as narrator of the text is subtly created as a moment of self-recognition for the Canadian reader.
None of Duncan's previous narrators are as emphatically Canadian as Mary Trent; none are called upon to represent Canada, to serve as "samples" of the Canadian "natural product" of which Senator Trent is so proud, "finished" not by London or New York society, but by Canadian life.
About the Author
Sara Jeannette Duncan Sara Jeannette Duncan (1861-1922), a ground-breaking journalist with "The Washington Post" and "The Toronto Globe," travelled around the world with a female friend, unthinkable for women then. In India she met her husband Everard Cotes. The Brantford, Ontario-born Duncan began producing novels, plays, essays and more, including "An American Girl in London" (1891), and her best-known work, "The Imperialist" (original 1904; edited version by Thomas E. Tausky, 1996, Tecumseh).