When the Right Light Shines
Written by Fred Cogswell
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73 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888871244 $14.95 CA
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About the Book
Query for a Machine Age
The frail organic world from seed to bloom
Puts a rich variety on display,
While steel perfection in machines has room
For but one change alone - and that´s decay.
Why should we standardize our messy ways
To calm routines and try to treat our hearts
(As specialists would have us do these days)
Like subservient, replaceable parts?
Unless (as William Blake sometimes expressed
Before such logic human minds controlled)
The victims of Urizen do not rest
Till they at last become what they behold.
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About the Author
Fred Cogswell Recently awarded the Alden Nowlan Award for excellence in English-language literature by the New Brunswick Legislative Assembly, Fred Cogswell is widely known as once editor of The Fiddlehead and publisher of Fiddlehead Poetry Books, as a leading Canadian Poet and critic, and as a translator, including The Complete Poems of Emile Nelligan. His own poetry has been much published and translated abroad.