Va, petit canard, va
Written by Linda Hamill
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51 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888875877 $9.95 CA
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About the Book
L'école de Lyle organise une grande course de canards et il a son billet. Il planifie déjà comment il va dépenser ses gains. Mais ses sœurs veulent leur part. Lyle et sa famille arrivent à l'avance et voient la préparation des canards avant la course. La course commence au pont de la rue Sykes avec le maire qui crie Ç Partez ! È Un canard prend la tête. Lyle encourage pour ce canard espérant qu'il porte son numéro. Mais un autre canard le rattrape. Il y a trois prix en plus d'un prix de consolation pour le dernier canard à franchir la ligne d'arrivée. Est-ce que le billet de Lyle est gagnant ?
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About the Author
Linda Hamill Linda is never far from education. She has been a student, English teacher, Guidance Counsellor, occasional teacher, a Trustee with the local Board of Education and a volunteer in schools.
She and her husband live near Meaford, Ontario on a gravel road.They have a small acreage that features an eco-friendly pond.
A much enjoyed highlight in her life in the frequent visits from their six grandchildren. They inspire the characters in her writing.
She has a degree in Sociology and Psychology. More recently, she has graduated from a writing program with The Institute of Children's Literature.
Linda is also a gardener, church organist, choir director, scarecrow builder for the Meaford Scarecrow Invasion and member of the fun-loving Meaford Scarecrow Invasion Marching Kazoo Band.
Check Linda out at her website,