Firecloud: and other poems
Written by Frank M. Tierney
63 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780919594043 $14.95 CA
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About the Book
among a dozen skyscrapers
that black the sun
from a tiny park -
a park,
with three benches
and a steel speared fence
a little boy
plays catch
with a drunk.
Copyright © by Borealis Press Ltd. and Frank M. Tierney, 1970 - 2001.
About the Author
Frank M. Tierney Frank M. Tierney (1930- ) was born in Ottawa in the area now occupied by the University of Ottawa Campus. Borealis Press has published seven books of his poetry: "Come Climb A Mountain" (1970), "The Birch" (1971), "Beams of Love" (1972), "FireCloud" (1972), "The Way it Stands" (1974), "The Lilac Tree" (1988), and "The Old Gold Woman" (2000). He has also written seven children's stories in his Silly Sally series, numerous scholarly articles, and books about Canadian and British authors.