Mystic Loon
Written by Soraya Erian
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371 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888873415 $19.95 CA
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About the Book
Canada's soul sweeps lakes, vast spaces, forests, fields, rivers and sounds in the loon's yodel. Its people are a microcosm of the world. A group -of multinational origins- mingles in Hamilton's west end. The narrator/ photographer is a lone woman of no name. She listens to the loon's cry at Lake Huron and takes black-and-white photographs to snap a glimpse of the soul of her country. Her husband Rashid is an Internist at Hamilton's Health Sciences Corporation. Their lives are the world's antipodes. Their son and daughter are world travellers. Their neighbours/relatives include: family doctor, physiotherapist, clothes designer, antique clock collector, business couple, real-estate woman and computer-investor husband, model/actress, and displaced family. The couple gets entangled in exhilarating extra-marial affairs, and adopts a son of questionable parentage In Quebec, the savour French culture; in Restigouche Reserve, the Mi'Kmaq way. They summer in Kincardine; they visit Egypt. Through memory and art the narrator probes what'sinvisible in her country and in her group's bizarre lives. While Rashid seeks to prolong life and shoulder other's problems, the narrator reaches for an art to mirror symbiotic life in Canada's heartland.
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About the Author
Soraya Erian Soraya Erian (1936- ) came from Cairo, Egypt to study English Literature at the University of Toronto. After earning a Ph.D., she taught college English, married, had a daughter and son, became a grandmother, pursued writing, drawing/painting, and had five books of poetry and drawings published. She has garnered numerous Best Poem awards. In art, she seeks the essence of reality while in poetry, she draws upon subterranean images, music of the inner ear, and the exhilaration of senses.