Madame de Champlain: looking for sanctuary
Written by Sandra Bea Harries
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454 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888873668 $19.95 CA
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About the Book
Samuel de Champlain, the founder of Quebec – considered a "saint" by many – at the age of 42 married 12 year old Hélène Boullè. Through Hélène´s eyes we learn of their tense and turbulant marriage with its many upheavals. Considerably older, Champlain, explorer, navigator, cartographer, and historical writer, must adjust to the stormy temperament of his refined Parisian wife. Hélène must adapt to his solitary ways and the crude unforgiving wilderness with its severe winters, lack of food, Iroquois uprisings, and personal violation. Lust, love, betrayal of trusted friends, deception, death, suicide, anger and frustration also weave their threads through the thin blanket of their dysfunctional marriage. Can the marriage of these two truly remarkable people survive?
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About the Author
Sandra Bea Harries This is Sandra Bea Harries´ second book - a series of short paranormal stories which will keep you spellbound. Her first book entitled, "Madame de Champlain: Quest for Sanctuary," is a historical novel about a part of our intriguing Canadian history—the dysfunctional marriage of Hélène Boullé to the famous explorer and founder of Québec City, Samuel de Champlain.
Not only is Sandra keenly interested in Canadian history, but she is also fascinated with paranormal activity around the world, anthropology, archaeology, genealogy, science, Native legends, and folklore.
She was born in Kingston, Ontario with a rich heritage of United Empire Loyalists, Puritans, and royal ancestors, including Eleanor of Aquitaine. Sandra currently resides in Toronto with her husband and family.
Borealis books by Sandra Bea Harries:
Eerie and Eccentric Tales
Madame de Champlain