Rose of the North
Written by John W. Friesen
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181 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888879189 $19.95 CA
181 pages, Hardcover ISBN: 9780888879189 $24.95 CA
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About the Book
Rose of the North is a novel about a young teacher, Anne Granger, who travels to a remote Native community in northwestern Canada and falls in love with a local Native man.
When her family learns about Anne´s involvement, they are very upset. The book outlines the resultant clash with Anne´s conservatively religious parents, and details aspects of the educational situation in a northern Canadian Native community.
About the Author
John W. Friesen John W. Friesen, a United Church minister at Alberta's Stoney Indian Reserve, is a man of God and a man of action. He has penned more than 30 books, including "The Riel/Real Story" (1994, Borealis), and "Aboriginal Spirituality and Biblical Theology: Closer Than You Think" (2000). He has holds degrees and diplomas from many post-secondary institutions, among them the University of Kansas and Trinity Theology Seminary, and teaches First Nations history and education at the University of Calgary.