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Quest for the Thunderbird Nest:
Returning to Algonquin Spirituality

Written by
Tim Yearington

Cover of Quest for the Thunderbird Nest
Click image for larger view of cover.

335 pages,
ISBN: 9780888877161
$25.00 CA

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About the Book

This book is a true life tale about the good medicine of the thunderbirds. It is the deeply personal account of an adoptee who had been receiving strange intuitive clues to his lost ancestral roots since he was a boy.

While seeking out hints to his suspected Indigenous identity, guidance about his greater life purpose appeared instead. Thunderbird knowledge began to be revealed to him in a series of visions about the existence of a mysterious mountain. His visions also included the actual, earthly steps he would need to take if he stood a remote chance of making it up there.

By acting upon the inspirations of his visions and following through, the spirits of thunderbirds started to come to him. Presenting themselves as the "Old Ones", he believed his Algonquin ancestors were helping him to find his way. And so began his lengthy traditional schooling about the enlightening and empowering nature of thunderbirds and their life changing medicinal role. Although in pain, he endured the training.

Upon being told, "The weakest people need the strongest medicine", he accepted he struggled emotionally and was perpetually pining for peace. But with the aid of the thunderbirds, he at last followed the trail up the mountain. Now at the top he finally discovered the sacred high place of the thunderbird nest. And upon seeing that everything he had learned helped him to know the truth, he was finally able to realize his own.

Quest for the Thunderbird Nest is a testimony to the wondrous power of Algonquin spirituality in helping us heal and be happier human beings.

back cover of Quest for the Thunderbird Nest
Click image for larger view of backcover.

About the Author Tim Yearington
Tim Yearington was born in Toronto in 1965. After graduating from Sheridan College he moved to Ottawa and became a graphic artist. Four years later he spent four months bicycling alone through the Andes Mountains of Argentina and Chile on a quest to find himself. Back in Canada, he became a freelance illustrator and artist. After enduring a series of painful life challenges, Tim began to explore his lost roots, guided by the spirit of his ancestral Grandmother, and discovered the "good medicine" way of the medicine wheel. Inspired and encouraged by its beautifully profound teachings, Tim learned to follow his spirit once again and became a wilderness guide. While guiding people on hiking, canoeing, and snowshoeing adventures among the majestic pines of Ontario´s Madawaska Highlands, Tim saw that many people were really lost in life—just as he had been—and he set out on a new trail to share the enlightening teachings of the medicine wheel. Tim now uses his first-hand wilderness guiding experience and knowledge of Native teachings to help empower people to create well-being within their own lives. In addition to writing, Tim is a passionate public speaker, a stirring storyteller, and an inspirational artist.

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