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Paddy O'Neil's Trunk

Written by
Peter Sullivan

Cover of Paddy O'Neil's Trunk
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345 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 9780888876560
$20.00 CA

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About the Book It is almost too late for the Donohoe family to learn about their past. The mystery is that so few stories had survived. They had been uprooted suddenly, left Ireland and survived the harrowing journey to Canada. Later some of them would settle in the States. It is a single page from an old journal that opens a door, and the path ahead leads to more than an understanding of the family´s past. What they feel is a longing for home. This longing is what they share with those who came before, share in more ways than they can imagine.

back cover of Paddy O'Neil's Trunk
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About the Author Peter Sullivan
Peter Sullivan has published short fiction in literary journals including: Imprint, Turtlequill, and the online journal Hektoen International. He is the recipient of the University of Rochester "Human Values in Health Care Award Best Creative Work," 2008 and again in 2011. He graduated from Canisius College in Buffalo, New York in 1967 and obtained his Master of Social Work Degree from the University of Illinois in 1969. Peter worked for many years as a psychotherapist and was an adjunct professor in the social work program at the Rochester Institute of Technology for several years. He is the father of four adult children and lives with his wife in Bay St Louis, Mississippi, and Rochester, New York.

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