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Called to Egypt on the Back of the Wind

Written by
Anne Kathleen McLaughlin

Cover of Called to Egypt on the Back of the Wind
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196 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 9780888875235
$19.95 CA

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About the Book "Called to Egypt on the Back of the Wind" is a traveller's tale of a Journey to Egypt in 2008 led by the visionary teacher Jean Houston. Jean, whose heart knows the patterns of mythology and spirituality that an ancient people drew upon to build a civilization of unparalleled wisdom and genius along the Nile River some 5000 years ago, created for her students a mythic journey with story and ritual, exploration of temples, tombs, and pyramids, laughter and song. For the author, Egypt was the place where she found her soul.

Egypt, the source place of the mythic universe, seizes the Western psyche and we feel a collective shock of recognition. It was through this world that Anne Kathleen traveled; a woman of high spirit and profound reflection. Using words as wands she makes us her confidante, the deep friend who can be told the secrets of the heart, the yearnings of the soul, and the mystery which transcends time, culture; and even character. Anne Kathleen is much taken by the Goddess, the Queen of Heaven, the principle of love incarnate-Hathor, Isis, Mary. And the Goddesses respond in kind, luring her into the conundrums and wanderings of love lost and found. They teach her that love will call up everything within us that is not love, that it may be healed, and so it does. Jean Houston (from the Foreword)

back cover of Called to Egypt on the Back of the Wind
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About the Author Anne Kathleen McLaughlin
Anne Kathleen envisions a spirituality in harmony with our new understandings of the universe while drawing from the mystical heart of ancient spiritual beliefs and practices. Through retreats and plays based on ancient stories as well as on the writings of medieval and modern-day women mystics and the recent discoveries of physicists, Anne Kathleen assists women to discover the pattern of the Sacred woven into the tapestry of their everyday lives. Her novels A Place Called Morning (2001), Planted in the Sky (2006), and Called to Egypt on the Back of the Wind (2013), are published by Borealis Press. A member of the Community of the Grey Sisters in Pembroke, Ontario, Canada, Anne Kathleen holds a Master's degree in Religious Communication/Pastoral Studies from Loyola University in Chicago.

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