Untempered Wind
Written by Joanna E. Wood
326 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9781896133041 $17.95 CA
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About the Book
An incisive social critique of the puritanism and narrow-mindedness that cripples the spirit of the nineteenth-century village of Jamestown, it is also a novel that underscores the ambivalence and heightened anxieties informing the politics of marriage and sexuality during this period. With its sympathetic treatment of a young unmarried mother's struggle to survive social ostracism and psychological cruelty following the birth of her son, The Untempered Wind challenges the abstract notions of female virtue and honour that had emerged as key concerns during the legislative bickering over the Charlton bill only a few years earlier.
About the Author
Joanna E. Wood Joanna E. Wood ( -1919) [1867-1927] ?? has written "The Untempered Wind" (1894), republished by Borealis Press. Her other books include "Judith Moore" (1898), "A Daughter of Witches," "Farden Ha'" (1901), and "Where Waters Beckon" (1902).