Our Little Life
Written by Jessie Georgina Sime
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453 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9781896133003 $17.95 CA
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About the Book
Sime believed that the reason the contemporary novel was so "utterly useless and unreal" was its refusal to embrace and to represent change, instead maintaining an anachronistic relation to the past by "depicting a past state of things as if it were existing today." Sime chose as her example of obsession with "past states" common literary treatments of women, explaining that while the novel almost inevitably deals with gender on some level, it often fails to impart any idea of women's reality.
About the Author
Jessie Georgina Sime Jessie Georgina Sime (1868-1958), Canadian author, has written "The Mistress Of All Work" (1916), "Canada Chaps" (1917), "Sister Woman" (1919), "Our Little Life" (1921), "Thomas Hardy Of The Wessex Novels" (1928), "In A Canadian Shack" (1937), "The Land Of Dreams" (1940), and "Orpheus In Quebec" (1942).