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Wailing Whispers:
of ghosts, mummies, crystal skulls and other paranormal phenomena

Written by
Sandra Bea Harries

Cover of Wailing Whispers
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196 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 9780888874511
$19.95 CA

This book is in stock and ships within 48 hours of receipt of order.

About the Book This short story collection is a sequel to Eerie and Eccentric Tales. In it Sandra has once again painted portraits of the paranormal from her palette. Sinister secrets lurk in an insane asylum, malevolent ghosts haunt a rectory and Anne Boleyn exacts revenge on Henry the VIII. Wailings drift into the portrait of an actual mummy, Momia Juanita (a sacrificial child of the Incas); Hopi natives tell of aliens connected to the end of the world; an Italian catastrophe is caused by an unusual neighbor; a teen`s true identity is linked with avenging vampires; and, lastly, a mysterious Mayan witch evolves into a museum display. Why not pace the potent path of the paranormal where the unexpected is found in the whispers of wailings of long ago?

back cover of Wailing Whispers
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About the Author Sandra Bea Harries
This is Sandra Bea Harries´ second book - a series of short paranormal stories which will keep you spellbound. Her first book entitled, "Madame de Champlain: Quest for Sanctuary," is a historical novel about a part of our intriguing Canadian history—the dysfunctional marriage of Hélène Boullé to the famous explorer and founder of Québec City, Samuel de Champlain. Not only is Sandra keenly interested in Canadian history, but she is also fascinated with paranormal activity around the world, anthropology, archaeology, genealogy, science, Native legends, and folklore. She was born in Kingston, Ontario with a rich heritage of United Empire Loyalists, Puritans, and royal ancestors, including Eleanor of Aquitaine. Sandra currently resides in Toronto with her husband and family. Borealis books by Sandra Bea Harries: Eerie and Eccentric Tales Madame de Champlain

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