Watching an Eagle
Written by Fred Cogswell
73 pages, Paperback ISBN: 0888872104001 $14.95 CA
73 pages, Hardcover ISBN: 0888872082001 $25.95 CA
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About the Book
The Phoenix-Fire
The phoenix-fire burns with the mind´s cold rage
Consuming flesh and blood to residue,
Black words that lie, cold ash upon the page;
But ash has life enough to re-engage
New flesh and blood in what their time should do.
The phoenix-fire burns with the mind´s cold rage
As, captured by contagion, men assuage
Old madnesses with new forms poured into
Black words that lie, cold ash upon the page.
It matters not at all if we be sage
Or neutral nothing to the learned few,
The phoenix-fire burns with the mind´s cold rage.
Fanned by a spirit-wind, age after age
Finds itself mortal and is charred down to
Black words that lie, cold ash upon the page.
So in their turns the generations stage
Their own death-flames that kindle flames anew:
The pheonix-fire burns with the mind´s cold rage Black words that lie, cold ash upon the page.
About the Author
Fred Cogswell Recently awarded the Alden Nowlan Award for excellence in English-language literature by the New Brunswick Legislative Assembly, Fred Cogswell is widely known as once editor of The Fiddlehead and publisher of Fiddlehead Poetry Books, as a leading Canadian Poet and critic, and as a translator, including The Complete Poems of Emile Nelligan. His own poetry has been much published and translated abroad.