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a true story

Written by
Barbara Reaume Sandre
Illustrated by
Karen Bannister Rosie

Cover of Pete
Click image for larger view of cover.

21 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 9780888875792
$11.95 CA

This book is in stock and ships within 48 hours of receipt of order.

About the Book Pete is the true story of a baby bird that fell out of the sky and into our pool. In rescuing him, Pete touched our lives in many beautiful ways. He provided my daughters with an excellent opportunity to show their care and dedication to another living creature. He taught us a few wonderful lessons on knowing when to nurture and knowing when to let nature takes its course. He provided our beloved dog CJ with yet another way to show her loving gentleness and comical curiosity. And lastly, he provided me with an exceptional story to tell to my darling granddaughter Rya about her mother.

back cover of Pete
Click image for larger view of backcover.

About the Authors Karen Bannister Rosie
An artist, Landscape Architect, and Award-winning gardener. When she is not designing gardens, or digging in one, she loves to doodle and finds her inspiration in the great outdoors. Recently, an entire set of Karen's doodles were brought to life when she designed and built her dream home in the country. She lives in picturesque Ballinafad, Ontario with her husband, two children, and cat, surrounded by nature that she can't wait to explore and document in her sketchbook. Karen has completed technical illustrations for many landscape planning documents, but this is her first children's story. These illustrations are done in watercolour and ink.

Barbara Reaume Sandre
Barbara Reaume Sandre has spent over twenty years doing genealogical research on her family. She is a member of the Essex County Genealogical Society. Barbara taught mathematics at St.Clair College in Windsor and then at Essex District High school for 28 years.

She is enjoying her fourth year of retirement. Barbara lives in Windsor, Ontario, with her husband Richard. They have two daughters. She also runs a small gift shop in her home and in Grand Bend. When not doing research or working in her gift shop, Barbara enjoys gardening, bird watching, and shopping.

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