Place Called Morning
Written by Anne Kathleen McLaughlin
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254 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888872555 $19.95 CA
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About the Book
A Place Called Morning explores the themes of love and longing through the lives of two women, separated by more than a century in time, both living in Ottawa, and both members of the community of the Sisters of the Holy Child. Each encounters love and experiences the cost of loving. Although Kate and Symphorosa choose different paths in their search for fulfillment, both are drawn to northern Ontario and to the small community of Silver Maple Springs, where an ancient Indian elder brings their stories together.
About the Author
Anne Kathleen McLaughlinAnne Kathleen envisions a spirituality in harmony with our new understandings of the universe while drawing from the mystical heart of ancient spiritual beliefs and practices. Through retreats and plays based on ancient stories as well as on the writings of medieval and modern-day women mystics and the recent discoveries of physicists, Anne Kathleen assists women to discover the pattern of the Sacred woven into the tapestry of their everyday lives. Her novels A Place Called Morning (2001), Planted in the Sky (2006), and Called to Egypt on the Back of the Wind (2013), are published by Borealis Press. A member of the Community of the Grey Sisters in Pembroke, Ontario, Canada, Anne Kathleen holds a Master's degree in Religious Communication/Pastoral Studies from Loyola University in Chicago.